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Stories and images 
to reach the audience


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I am a graphic novelist, illustrator, graphic designer and author. I do my own and custom projects, such as institutional comics, for publishers, adaptations and everything else necessary to tell a good story and convey the message.​


Since 2013 I have also pubished many graphic novels and comics, some of them awarded.

I do believe that my mission is to improve the world with stories and graphic storytelling.


  • Como Fazer Amigos e Enfrentar Feiticeiros (How to Make Friends and Face Sorcerers)
    with Gustavo Borges


  • Como Fazer Amigos e Enfrentar Alienígenas (How to Make Friends and Face Aliens)
    with Gustavo Borges

    Awarded with Troféu HQ/Mix
    best children's book and best independent book)
    Nominated for Troféu Ângelo Agostini
    best web comic and best children's book)
    Nominated for CCXP Awards
    best webcomic).


  • Alice Através do Muro 1 (Alice Through the Wall 1)
    with Luke Ross (art) and Marco Lesko (colors)
    Awarded with 
    Troféu HQ/Mix
    (best fantasy/horror/adventure book)


  • Como Fazer Amigos e Enfrentar Fantasmas (How to Make Friends and Face Ghosts)
    with Gustavo Borges
    Awarded with Troféu HQ/Mix
    (best children's book)
    Awarded with Troféu Ângelo Agostini
    (best children's book)


  • Últimos Deuses (Last Gods)
    with Hiro Kawahara
    Nominated to Troféu HQ/Mix
    (best writer and best independent book)


  • Até o Fim (Till the End)
    with Gustavo Borges and Michel Ramalho
    Nominated to Troféu HQ/Mix
    (best young readers' book)


  • Olhos Insanos (Crazy Eyes)
    Nominated to Troféu HQ/Mix
    (new talent: writer)


  • Ima - Sempre em Frente (Ima - Always Forward)


I studied Graphic Design at Escola Panamericana de Artes e Design and did a Masters in Editorial Design at Istituto Europeo di Design, both in São Paulo, where I was born and live. I also studied illustration at Instituto dos Quadrinhos and Quanta Academia de Artes, and graduated in Law in 2003.


In the last years I had the opportunity to work for companies such as Grand Prix Brasil de Formula 1, WWF, Saint-Gobain Brasil, Coca-Cola, Greenpeace, World Bank, Sabesp, Doctors Without Borders, Natura, Editora Trip, Editora Capital Aberto, Government of the State of Amazonas, Ingram, among others. I had the opportunity to do comic book publishing projects for brands like Fanta and Saint Gobain.


I also give lectures, workshops and courses online and offline, autonomously or in partnership with institutions such as public schools.

© 2020 por Eric Peleias.

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